Aanchal Malhotra is an oral historian who has written two nonfiction books on the human history and generational impact of the 1947 Partition, titled Remnants of A Separation and In the Language of Remembering, and a novel titled The Book of Everlasting Things. She holds a BFA in Traditional Printmaking and Art History from OCAD, Toronto, and MFA in Studio Art from Concordia University, Montréal, and can be found on instagram and her website.

Navdha Malhotra is a social impact and development sector consultant and a ceramics artist. She obtained her BA in Sociology from Delhi University and her MA in Media and Cultural Studies from School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. In the past, she has worked with organisations including Purpose, Greenpeace and HelpAge International. She can be found at her website, instagram and X.
The fact that they share a surname is mere coincidence!